Monday, July 13, 2009

If you had a ground floor opportunity to redo BET from scratch, what would you do? Guess what?

Every once in a while an opportunity comes around

where there are only a few people who know what's

up and they're not well enough connected to take

advantage of something right in front of their face.

perceive this to be the case right now in minority


If I were to get the opportunity to have a radio program,

it would be called The Vector and it would be very much

like Cobb in many respects. I would direct it to the

internal Third World and point the way to the Second.

To me, the best of the Second World would be well

represented by the man who owns a small, multimillion

dollar business. It's where I'm trying to go. In some

respects, I'm not perfectly qualified to host such a show,

but in other ways I'm the perfect man for the job. But

that's not the point of this post, rather it is to draw

attention to what's going on at Sirius & XM with regard

to what appears to be a minority set-aside for satellite

radio spectrum. A cat I met last month, Malik Shakur

is in the thick of following the FCC machinations and

has an application in process for some of this spectrum.

He's determined and his website is getting little traffic.

I notice these things and I hope that to the extent people

notice me,I can direct some attention his way. It's very

difficult to be a one man crusade, especially when there

are so many people who very desperately want to achieve

the same goal. We're just not all networked.

So as I said, I'm going to get folks I know, whom I have

confidence would be excellent in the radio business to

get aware of Malik's efforts. Something important can

happen here.

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