Wednesday, September 29, 2010

How American Independent Radio can create 4050 jobs in 9 months if the FCC grants the 24 Channels to iClick2Media

Beverly Hills, CA (Sept 29, 2010) -- It has been said that the greatest growth of entrepreneurship is always during a financial crises. One of the key pillars of the American Dream is ability to build something great from nothing. Americans have a knack for finding ways to get it done.

Two weeks ago, our country’s elected officials passed a $30 Billion Dollars Small Business Aid Bill that President Obama believes can and will help get Americans back to work. iClick2Media’s American Independent Radio Project (AIR) can be a part of this rebuilding if it is awarded the 24 channels made available by Sirius XM.

From the beginning (February 2009) iClick2Media has had its sight on helping the underserved gain information and help to promote entrepreneurship with these channels. If iClick2Media is granted the 24 channels for its AIR project and builds a block of programming that falls in line with Sirius XM a la Cart programming (as defined by the Merger Order) then the underserved market gains three things. First, it would finally give a voice to a segment of the population that has gone unheard far too long; second, it would inspire entrepreneurs who have had dreams of working in the field of entertainment to become a reality and third, it would afford the 4032 underserved people the ability to build a business for themselves while educating, informing and entertaining an audience that is seeking education, information, and entertainment on a digital level.

If granted these channels iClick2Media has the ability to employ 4050 people across this nation. Yes, I am sure your saying to yourself how can iClick2Media afford to pay that many people? Its simple, 4032 hours of programming will require independent producers, hosts, and DJ to create the AIR programming block. These independent producer, host and DJ will be paid for their efforts from the percentage of the fees paid to AIR from the subscription fees. Further AIR has the ability to seek sponsorship dollars and educational grants to provide the necessary services to fund and employ digital entrepreneurs and their brands. To go a step further, depending on the popularity of these digital entrepreneurs they can create income outside of their duties with AIR. This additional income can come from appearance fees, speaking engagement, books, product endorsement and other ancillary avenues. But this can’t happen unless the original intended goal of the 24 channels is actually implemented and that goal is to empower the voices of the underserved, foster the spread of information for the underserved and for the underserved to be included in the development of this digital movement.

iClick2Media also believes that these channels were not set aside for conglomerates to use to increase their bottom line but for the advancement of information, knowledge, and educational purposes for the underserved market. Further iClick2Media believes that giving the 24 channels back to Sirius XM for them to figure out who or what entity should get them is a bad move and would raise a few eyebrows about what the goal of the FCC was when it accepted the terms and conditions of the Sirius XM merger.

The best solution for the 24 channels is to keep them in the spirit of what they were set aside for. These channels we designed to allow a segment of the American population, the underserved to finally have a space in this digital marketplace. To have their voices, thoughts, ideas and opinions heard by the masses. If these 24 channels are assigned to any entity that is seeking to increase their bottom line, or position an agenda that is not inclusive of the underserved then the FCC has failed to protect again the underserved American population and continues to perpetuate what the underserved population already believes, that the American government does not have its sight on them but on corporations and the wealthy.

For further comments or to schedule an interview, please contact us at (888) 465-1385 or email us at

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