Thursday, June 11, 2009

Inside Radio "The most trusted News in Radio"

The FCC gets an option to outsource Sirius XM channels.  

The FCC is looking for ways to lease 12 Sirius XM Radio 

channels to independent contractors as part of last July’s 

merger agreement between the two satellite companies.  

Beverly Hills-based talent developer Malik Shakur thinks 

he’s got the answer.  His iClick2Media offers to form a joint

venture with satellite company AlphaStar International to 

create American Independent Radio (AIR).  Shakur wants 

the FCC to select AIR to “manage” the 12 channels.  

His proposal says AIR will use social networks and will 

partner with local and national governments to recruit 

programmers.  According to its outline, “AIR will also 

encourage current internet radio operators and 

established terrestrial radio programs and content 

providers to apply as well.” In FCC filings, 

AIR attorney Jeneba Jalloh Ghatt says AIR would

 be able to prepare content to be heard, as well as 

independently uplink the channels to Sirius XM satellites.  

“The benefit of this option is it eliminates the fear 

independent content could possibly be given inferior or 

discriminatory treatment to affiliated Sirius XM content,” 

says Ghatt.  She adds AIR would assume all responsibilities

from the satellite radio company, pledging to voluntarily 

enforce indecency rules.  Promising a transparent process,

it says the new channels could be launched by November.

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